국제마케팅 CJ엔터테인먼트 브라질 시장 진출(영문)
[국제마케팅] CJ엔터테인먼트 브라질 시장 진출(영문).hwp |
목차 INTRODUCTION Reason for selection MAIN DISCUSSIONS Analysis the country (Economic, Political, Cultural, Law factors) News articles Decision Entry Mode CONCLUSION Expected effects Limitations REFERENCE 본문 PHYSICAL BARRIERS Trade and industrial cooperation barriers come to geographical distance, culture and language barriers, and the communication. English is often used in world market, ButBrazil is Portuguese, spoken, because theyre using their contract or language communication difficulties. Interpreters should be used, due to the difficulties and this additional costs should occur. Information also have difficulty in securing. The Brazilian Government information most Portuguese because it is difficult to access. Businesses also industrial technology cooperation for lack of awareness. CULTURE OVERVIEW Brazil population 178,470,000 people be, but because poverty and wealth differential is different, grasping of general culture enjoyment level is impossible. But, because Brazil is the Europe emigration country, image of the culture is similar with Europe. Among whole Brazil population, population who get income of general Britain level and consumes is investigated to about 30 million people. Brazilian culture industry depends on most income. FILM INDUSTRY Brazil was the first to introduce the movie 1896 the French LUMIERE brothers made a documentary in Paris. Movie became like symbol of "Modernization" and audiences learned modern life style through movie and experienced extinction of farm village life, abolition of existing custom. Hollywood film industry develops middle part in the 1910s and Brazil was unexceptional too. It is said that brazilian movie share recorded 30 ~ 40% at the 3,500 theater for at dictatorship in the 1970 ~ 1980 but dictatorship is ceased and the brazilian movie manufacture rate is to drop to 0% in 3 months as open-door policy is introduced regularly in the 1990s. Do not exceed 10% up to now although home production movie share progressed a little even so byBrazil governmental protection policy. Distribution of movie is real condition that American maser companies are monopolizing. Brazil movie got into circumstance that people of the lower classes hard to see movie because inspection fare increases by 4 BRL levels in 1 BRL past changing by multiplex screening theater. . 본문내용 mic, Political, Cultural, Law factors) News articles Decision Entry Mode CONCLUSION Expected effects Limitations REFERENCE REASON FOR SELECTION After thinking it over, we aimed to play tough comments came toward Latin America in Brazil has been selected. This next year will be the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations in Brazil due to the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1959 after the 참고문헌 1. Foreign Exported Korea Movie 2. International Attention 뉴스기사 브라질영화산업 투자 http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=104&oid=001&aid=0001088053 경제강국들 핫 마켓 브라질에 주목 http://nammiro.com/board_dokja.php?id=dokja&code1=fr&mode=view&num=22740 할리우드에 안방내준 브라질 영화 현주소 http://skkim.jinbo.net/bbs/zboard.php?id=freeboard&page=8&page_num=20&select_arrange=hit&desc=&sn=off&ss=on&sc=on&keyword=&category=&no=490 브라질 문화산업 GDP 16.4%차지 http://nammiro.com/news.php?code=&mode=view&num=8566&page=1 브라질 비용 타국보다 ~~ 비싸 http://nammiro.com/news.php?code=&mode=view&num=10594 브라질 정부, 대형합병에 우호적 http://nammiro.com/news.php?code=&mode=view&num=10407&page= 해외유망환경시장을가다 브라질 http://www.hkbs.co.kr/hkbs/news.php?mid=1&r=view&uid=179405&treec=213 상파울루 코리아타운 지정 기념식 개최 http://www.latinamerica.or.kr/new_kclac/sub_07_02_view.asp?dbchoice=board_id1&idx=2792&pageno=1 마더, 해외판매 호조, 박쥐 http://star.mt.co.kr/stview.php?no=2009052000103163757&type=3 브라질 영화기업 Cinemark (미국이투자하고있음.) Grupo Severiano Ribeiro UCI Brasil Arcoiris Cinemas Moviecom Cinemas Cinematografica Araujo Cinemais Espaco de Cinema Box Cinemas |
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