목차 Phonetics Voiced and voiceless sounds Place of articulation Bilabials Labiodentals Dentals Alveolars Palatals Velars Glottals Manner of articulation Stops Fricatives Affricates Nasals Liquids Glides Glottal stops and flaps Charting consonant sounds
본문 Phonetics Articulatory phonetics The study of the organs of speech and their use in producing speech sounds Auditory phonetics
The study of the processing and interpretation ofspeech sounds by the ear, the nervous system, and the brain Acoustic phonetics The study of the physical properities of the sounds produced in speaking.
Voiced and voiceless sounds Voiced sounds Avoiced speech sound ins on that is produced with vibration of the vocal cords
Voiceless sounds A voiceless speechsound is one that is produced without vibration of the vocal cords
본문내용 use in producing speech sounds Auditory phonetics The study of the processing and interpretation of speech sounds by the ear, the nervous system, and the brain Acoustic phonetics The study of the physical properities of the sounds produced in speaking.
Voiced sounds A voiced speech sound ins on that is produced with vibration of the vocal cords Voiceless sounds A voiceless speech sound is one th |
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