2013년 6월 21일 금요일

CAFTA 찬반 토론 (영문)

CAFTA 찬반 토론 (영문)
CAFTA 찬반 토론 (영문).pptx

01_ Concept & Introduce of CAFTA
02_ The negative part of CAFTA
03_ The positive part of CAFTA
04_ Outlook & Implication of CAFTA
05_ Opinion of Group

01_ Concept & Introduce of CAFTA

A multilateral free trade agreement
- Observed by the United States, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua
Expansion of the NAFTA
- To be a stop towards the FTAA concept.
An economic success
- Goods & services move morefreely
- Duties on most products have been waived
- Value added taxes have been eliminated

2_ The negative part of CAFTA
03_ The positive part of CAFTA
04_ Outlook & Implication of CAFTA
05_ Opinion of Group
A multilateral free trade agreement
- Observed by the United States, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua
Expansion of the NAFTA
- To be a stop towards the FTAA concept.
An economic success
Goods & services move more

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