경영학 노스페이스이 위기와 마케팅 전략 (영문)
[경영학] 노스페이스이 위기와 마케팅 전략 (영문).docx |
목차 Introduction Industry Overview of The North Face
Korea Conclusion Analysis Recommendation
본문 The North
Face Korea: The Crisis and the Thereafter
After he
received the notification from FTC, Sung Ki Hak, the CEO of Goldwin Korea, is
now concerned about not only the penalty from FTC, but about the negative image
that will affect the brand, The North Face Korea. As the brand suffered from the
consequences of the social issues related to the violence in schools and from
the penalty it received, now the CEO has to make the choice to differentiate the
strategy from the old days. Although, the sales of The North Face still remain
number one in the outdoor wear industry, the customer preference has been slowly
falling after the peak success among the teenagers. Also, with the harsh
situation facing with the civic group’s accusations of high price, how could The
North Face Korea manage this problem and make sure customers turn towards The
North Faceas they once had?
Outdoor Wear Market in
The first outdoor market was introduced in 1970s representing
outside activities such as climbing, camping, fishing. At this time, the notion
of “outdoor” was not what it meant today but in 1995 as “Think Pink” product in
‘금강제화’ was launched, the real outdoor market was formed. With huge boom of
venture business and change in clothing culture, national brand Kolon Sports,
Edelweiss, and Echoroba lead the Korean market in 1970s and 80s. Also other
brands such as North Face and Columbia Sports Wear were imported in the
department stores (See Exhibit 1). The oldest outdoor brand is ‘한고’ company
which enlarged into Edelweiss selling various climbing equipments in 1996. Till
the first 1990s, many Korean outdoor brands were launched but as the global
brands come in to the Korean market, the operation of national brands became
limited. Now only a few global brands competes each other.
본문내용 n
from FTC, Sung Ki Hak, the CEO of Goldwin Korea, is now concerned about not only
the penalty from FTC, but about the negative image that will affect the brand,
The North Face Korea. As the brand suffered from the consequences of the social
issues related to the violence in schools and from the penalty it received, now
the CEO has to make the choice to differentiate the strategy from the old
참고문헌 http://news.heraldm.com/view.php?ud=20120213000135&md=20120213090954_2
http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2012/02/09/2012020900215.html http://sports.khan.co.kr/news/sk_index.html?cat=view&art_id=201204261217453&sec_id=561901&pt=nv http://www.thenorthfacekorea.co.kr/index.do http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=003&aid=0004203239 http://stylem.mt.co.kr/styview.php?no=2011112214461225261&type=1 http://www.tvreport.co.kr/?c=news&m=newsview&idx=181373 http://www.fnnews.com/view?ra=Sent1001m_View&corp=fnnews&arcid=201201090100062700003096&c DateYear=2012&cDateMonth=01&cDateDay=08 http://www.wowtv.co.kr/newscenter/news/view.asp?bcode=T30001000&artid=A201202140216 http://economy.hankooki.com/lpage/industry/201202/e2012021615024747730.htm http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/view/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0001700122 http://www.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=2012022232231 http://www.ebn.co.kr/news/n_view.html?id=542566 http://biz.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2012/02/27/2012022701537.html http://news.mk.co.kr/newsRead.php?year=2012&no=141876 http://cn.moneta.co.kr/Service/paxnet/ShellView.asp?ArticleID=2012043009472801313 http://www.edaily.co.kr/news/NewsRead.edy?SCD=DC14&newsid=01571126599501040&DCD=A00204& OutLnkChk=Y
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