경영학 중외제약의 피톤치드 휘산기 마케팅 전략(영문)
[경영학] 중외제약의 피톤치드 휘산기 마케팅 전략(영문).ppt |
목차 1. About ‘JW Pharmaceutical’ 2. What is ‘Phytoncide’? 3.
Phytoncide Product line 4. Market Attractiveness Analysis of Phytoncide
Volatilizor 5. 4P ANALYSIS (1) PRODUCT 6. SWOT ANALYSIS 7.
Finance 8. Human Resource and Job Security 9. How to solve the problem of
Phytoncide Volatilizor
본문 (4) Business field - Healing
medicine, Sap, Raw material medicine, Eco-friendly product, Health care product,
Reagent and diagnostic devices
(1) Phytoncide - Phyton :
‘Plants’ - Cide : ‘Kill’ - Found in early 20C
1) Market
Attractiveness Analysis 3. Suitability
① Suitability of firms
vision a. Vision : “We are committed to human healthcare” ->
② Suitability of market & marketing mix a. Pharmaceutical
firm, Customers = Wholesalers & Large hopitals ->
본문내용 We are committed to human healthcare We make
healthy culture
(3) Major History Founded in 1945 Goes down from 5
to 8 Production of Sap a Billion in 1999 One of the most admired 30
companies in Korea (Dong-A Daily News) in 2005 1. About ‘JW
Pharmaceutical’ (4) Business field - Healing medicine, Sap, Raw material
medicine, Eco-friendly product, Health care product, Reagent and diagnostic
devices ( |
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